Uncover weaknesses
in my system

With its complete visibility capabilities, the NDR, enriched by CTI, highlights your most at-risk assets, allowing for a comprehensive remediation. By combining internal behavior analysis with external intelligence, you gain full control over your network.

#visibility #vulnerabilities #risks


Residual cyber risks sometimes remain unmanaged
Limited visibility on threats with regard to an evolving IT system
An increase in your attack surface
Dynamic infrastructures requiring constant monitoring

Your needs

Enhance visibility across my network

Having a full understanding of all components and usage within my network—communications and interconnections—is key to detecting any intrusion attempts in real-time from the very first signs.

Master my attack surface

Knowing your level of exposure is essential for proactively identifying weak spots. Mastering your entire attack surface, both internal and external (EASM), ensures optimal protection against all types of threats.

Precisely understand attacker behaviors

Contextualized cyber intelligence enriches our understanding of the TTPs specifically targeting our activities. Through precise evidence, it enables us to understand attacker behavior and adapt our response to evolving threats.

Quickly enhance my incident response

Initiating an immediate response upon detecting abnormal behavior is key to an effective defense and demonstrates control over vulnerabilities. The goal is to limit the spread of an intrusion within your system or to third-party systems.

Being reactive is not enough.
Staying ahead is your best ally.
Don’t just endure attacks—anticipate them.

· Real-time inventory and mapping of all your assets (assets, users, and usage) – IT/IoT/OT/VM/Cloud
· Monitoring of all your devices or applications (Shadow IT)
· Understanding and managing your entire attack surface (EASM)


· Internal protection reinforced (NDR) through external surface analysis (EASM)
· Preservation of your intellectual property
· Raising awareness among employees about cyber risks
· Specific protection for key positions (VIP)


· Stay informed about data leaks involving your employees (Identity Intelligence)
· Respond quickly to domain name impersonation attempts (Brand Intelligence)
· Anticipate the exploitation of your residual vulnerabilities (Exposure Intelligence)


· Immediate blocking of any identity or domain name impersonation attempts
· Intelligent aggregation to globally identify attack scenarios
· Prioritized handling of alerts based on their business impact
· Orchestrated and automated remediation under SOC control

How We Support You


Our teams support you during the scoping of your detection project. Our experts work with you to analyze the best implementation and configuration strategies. This ensures you receive a technical specification (DAT) tailored to your business context and IT system. This support is provided both to your teams and as additional assistance.


During the operational deployment phase, our experts guide you step by step in the precise configuration of the various components of the detection and remediation solution. They ensure a fast and functional integration within your IT system until its complete validation.



Since a long-term relationship is key, our teams remain available to you and provide a range of services: training, support, maintenance, testing, potential improvements, operational readiness (MCO), and security readiness (MCS), ensuring that your system operates correctly and meets your needs.

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Other use cases
Use Case
Improve your response time (MTTR) to security incidents
With NDR, you can reduce the time taken to qualify, investigate and remediate threats, thanks to enriched analysis and efficient alert management.

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