Hero - Trackwatch - Maitriser -mobile
Hero - Trackwatch - Maitriser

Detection system

An open and flexible NDR (Network Detection and Response) platform offering mapping and behavioral analysis of cyber threats for enhanced detection and unprecedented visibility into targeted attacks

What our customers praise

Addressing the challenges
Connected or offline operation
Solution hardening
Proven technology
Relevance of detections
Simplified integration

Your benefits

Threat detection, including encrypted traffic

Trackwatch® enables the detection of concealed threats through their analysis using a combination of detection engines (static, heuristic, Machine Learning). This approach allows for rapid qualification and remediation by SOC experts who have access to the complete set of metadata.

Agnostic operation – connected or offline (air gap)

Based on a wide range of hardware, Trackwatch® can operate in connected mode or completely offline for restricted and confidential networks. You retain control of your information. Its position in bypass (TAP) ensures no impact on your production environment.

Advanced file analysis

Trackwatch® detects all types of malware through file analysis conducted by multiple anti-virus engines. The platform can examine up to 6 million files per 24 hours and retro-analyze files flagged as suspicious after their passage.

The features

priorisation des menaces

Threat prioritisation

Alerts are aggregated, allowing rapid triage against an evolving risk score, which is linked directly to your IS. This approach accelerates decision-making by SOC experts, expediting effectiveness.

Control of payloads, even when obfuscated.

Trackwatch® conducts protocol and static analysis on packets to compare them to signatures of known attacks provided by multiple Threat Intelligence sources. Trackwatch® can also accommodate new sources. The solution ensures detection of shellcodes (including polymorphic) and all encoded payloads.

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Research and anticipation of vulnerability exploits

The SOC experts have access to the entirety of data and metadata from the analysis of network communications. They can pivot intuitively during the handling of a security incident or their proactive intrusion research, thus shortening the remediation time.

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Resilient software platform against cyber attacks

Developed with a ‘Secure by Design’ approach, Trackwatch® features a hardened OS that provides strong resistance to corruption attempts and reduces the attack surface


When generative AI revolutionizes SOC
GAIA, Gatewatcher’s generative AI assistant integrated into its NDR solution, revolutionizes SOC team’s approach in threat detection, qualification, analysis and incident response. View the webinar replay to get all the information!

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Explore the reasons to choose Gatewatcher